When choosing where to buy CBD, remember this; there are lesser known canabinoids called CBD Minors! We know that CBD Minors optimize all the benefits of CBD! Our manufacturer knows the “entourage benefits” of including a high percentage of CBD minors in our CBD. That’s why The CBD Gurus major in CBD Minors!
So many people think they are using CBD when they buy online. Many people buy hemp oil sold online or in stores. Those sales outlets offer little to no education on the ingredients. For more knowledge on how CBD works click the link below… https://www.thecbdgurus.com/how-does-cbd-work-in-the-body/
Even when a product actually contains CBD, most consumers miss the full benefits it has to offer. CBD almost always has a low concentration of CBD Minors. CBD Minors are other compounds found within CBD that make up the full cannabinoid structure produced by nature. How do The CBD Gurus major in CBD Minors? Our products have the highest concentration of CBD Minors!
Our manufacturer uses only the highest grade CBD. It starts all starts with the best seed. At every step, extraction, distilling and remediation, our manufacturer receives biomass documentation certifying the quality of the product. Our distillate is 97.7% purecannabinoid. It has 93.3% CBD! The 4.4% differential are the precious CBD Minors that optimize benefits.
The CBD Gurus major in CBD Minors! It’s an industry secret to benefit our customers beyond compare!
This 4.4% contains CBD “Minors” – some of the other lesser known cannabinoids (like CBG, CBC, CBN, etc.). Minors have multiple benefits. Most suppliers offer a cheap distillate of 89 – 90% total cannabinoid, with only .5% to 1% minors. We know what we’re talking about when we say The CBD Gurus major in CBD Minors!
Our products are the highest quality, potency and fairest-in the-market-prices! Our industry-highest percentage of Minors proves it!