Frequently Asked Questions About CBD
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound derived from a plant that has been specifically grown as hemp. Hemp has been grown for industrial uses such as oils and topical ointments, as well as fiber for clothing, construction, and much more. CBD is also used in many products taken for human consumption and use.
How Much CBD should I Take?
Before starting any new health supplement, you should consult with your physician about medication interactions, allergies and dosing guidelines. To comply with applicable laws, we make NO HEALTH CLAIMS and suggest you talk with your doctor if you have any questions regarding how much CBD you can take. Your body’s metabolism of CBD is affected by things such as age, weight and gender.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
CBD stays in your system for about 3-5 days, but the effects can last anywhere from about 3-6 hours. Depending on dosage and other individual factors such as age, weight and gender.